Arrays Educative

Finished the Arrays section I’ve been working through the Data Structures and Algorithms course on Educative to develop my python skills.

PlantUML: First Attempts

Let’s try out PlantUML PlantUML seems at first glance somewhat similar to Mermaid but with a wider function list.

Mermaid: First Attempts

Mermaid setup. Really basic first effort. I created a shortcodes folder under my theme layouts folder, adn there created a mermaid.

Hugo Section Theme 3

Okay so that’s better. A simpler approach worked. I got playing with a copy of my primary *.

Hugo Section Theme 2 (didn't work)

Question: If I just copy the template? What happens if I just copy the single.

Hugo Section Theme (didn't work)

Hugo Section: A different look and feel. I though that in order to set a different look and feel for a Hugo section, I’d create a folder in the current theme layout folder with the same name as the section.

Critique Wheel C#

Raison d’être o el porque I built and deployed the Beta version of the critique wheel site in response to a need for the fiction writers in my writing groups to get faster and more actionable critiques on their short stories.