One thing I have learned it that note taking only works if you take good notes.
In order to prepare I think it’s useful to think about what you are going to be learning.
For example, if it’s a process, let’s say updating your fork of the project from your CLI
, or locally testing, committing, pushing and creating a pull request, it’s useful to have a clean, efficient way to record the steps. Pen and paper works for me.
Capturing the process in clear steps is invaluable, both for me to learn and to reduce the need for my coding mentor to repeat the same instructions over and over.
It’s a little about creating your own personalized documentation as you go.
Today I’m transcribing my frantic scribbles and supplementing them with some research.
Simple example of something valuable: I should stop using git add .
as my default behavior as it’s better practice to explicitly select the file or files or directory to commit as my default practice.
Second surprising takeaway: See where your at in git. git log --online --all --graph
and using <C-r>
to search bash command history.
Okay, so I’m off to write up and clarify some notes, then play with my git
file. I’m looking to implement this:
gone = ! "git fetch -p && git for-each-ref --format '%(refname:short) %(upstream:track)' | awk '$2 == \"[gone]\" {print $1}' | xargs -r git branch -D" # To delete remote deleted branch in local