time 01.05am
Some notes on the process as I’m working through it.
Why? I have a Django with PostgreSQL app that I want to add to Render.com.
I worked with poetry on a previous app listings.onrender.com and the poetry setup worked well, once I got the hang of it.
Having searched I found the following on SO here.
cat requirements.txt | xargs -I % sh -c 'poetry add "%"'
The idea here is to generate the dependencies and port them to poetry. Let’s see.
First the requirements.txt.
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Okay, that exported some, but I can tell there’s a few missing. Seems like this file is something that is supposed to be manually maintained. Who knew?
So next step is to look at dephell
Feels like a potential rabbit hole.
So what’s the easiest, fastest way…
Start a new project, copy over the files from my existing project. And run
poetry install
on the list of dependencies I have? And see if it works.
OK. Let’s try that. Time 01.20am.
That worked. 21 minutes. Rabbit hole avoided.
The app is now running happily on PostgreSQL in a poetry environment. Now to
create the render.yaml
and build.sh
Okay, deploying failures. It’s late more tomorrow. Time 2.39am